Ken Kaneki Ghoul. Ken Kaneki is the main protagonist of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoulre Formerly a human who was studying Japanese Literature at Kamii University and was living a normal life everything was soon changed after he had Rize’s kakuhou transplanted into him and became a OneEyed Ghoul.

Kaneki is one of the kagunes players can get in RoGhoulKaneki is built specifically for closerange combat There are six stages for Kaneki two being incomplete kakuja stages and the final being a modified version of the kagune The original owner of the kagune was Rize Kamishiro until the steel beam incident occurred where Ken Kaneki was mortally wounded and thus.
How Did Kaneki Become Haise Sasaki In Tokyo Ghoul
After his defeat at the hands of Kishou Arima during the Owl Extermination Operation CCG incorporated Ken Kaneki as a ghoul investigator He went by a new identity Haise Sasaki a halfghoul under the tutelage of Arima and Akira Mado (mentor) During this phase he was quite loyal and dedicated He wanted to protect humanity and also the CCG But Kaneki.
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— Ken Kaneki Tokyo Ghoul Capítulo 1 Ken Kaneki (金木 研 ( かねき けん ) Kaneki Ken?) es el protagonista principal de la serie Tokyo Ghoul y Tokyo Ghoulre Anteriormente era un estudiante de literatura japonesa en la Universidad Kamii Su vida cambio radicalmente después de tener un encuentro con un Ghoul del cual le transplantaron un riñon y otros órganos digestivos.