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It also happended in Bandung Regency It happened because there was inappropriate land use change Inappropriate land use change is defined as the activity of using land resources that exceed the capacity of the land The formulation of a strategy that involves all sectors and related institutions in the management of land use in North Bandung Area Bandung Regency (Upper.
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Makalah uin bandung Makalah yang terpilih ditawari untuk diterbitkan di jurnal TELKA Her first degree was from UIN Bandung 1992 her MA was from Murdoch University 1997 and her PhD on Gender and Islamic Studies was from the University of Melbourne 2007 Search Repository Search the repository using a full range of fields ABSTRAK Peramalan.
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The value of “t” on the score ttable =(2004) It is known that tcount is bigger than ttable (tcount > ttable) =(11997 > 2004) this means that Ha which states that there is significant effect of using word wall for teaching vocabulary on the seventh grade students at MTsN Bandung Tulungagung in the academic year 2014/2015 is accepted.