Stiq Isy Karima. Peningkatan akselerasi pendidikan tenaga pengajar/dosen sangat dibutuhkan di lingkungan STIQ Isy Karima untuk itulah dengan bantuan/beasiswa dari Yayasan (YSPII) beberapa asatidz meneruskan studiMaster (S2) di IAIN Surakarta dengan program studi yang sama yaitu Ilmu ALQur’an dan Tafsir.
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Edy Wirastho STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar Abstract Humanity belongs to contemporary matters at issue especially related to human right The Secular West worldview more often than not accused Islam as human right violator The accusation is based on principle that human beings are equal and having freedom of choosing way of life.
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Faoziyah Rohmani STIQ ISY KARIMA Abstract Hypocrisy is a very dangerous trait for a Muslim This is stated in the Qur’an in many verses A very detailed study on this theme is very important to be explored.
IsyKarima.Com Official Website Ma'had Tahfizhul Qur'an
Husnul Khotimah STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar Abstract At this time in the study of Islam in society there is still rarely discussion of knowledge espe cially science.
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